
Posted by Impact Posters Gallery on 22nd Oct 2015

Skip The Boring Manuals, Use a Poster

We’ve all been in the position where we are starting a new job, or training for a new task at work, and

what do you get? An extremely boring 50 page manual that you’ll (at best) skim through, and act like

you have retained all of the information. A lot of the manuals are filled with boring, repetitive

information that won’t even apply to your everyday life. Wouldn’t it be cool if there was a better way? A

more efficient way to learn, retain the information, AND save time! Well, I think we have the answer to

solve the problem. A poster!

Sure, a poster might seem like an odd solution, but think about it; the most important information could

be displayed in an organized manner, so that it is easily read. The poster could be presented in a

common area that people will see frequently, therefore providing a better way for people to remember

the information. A poster could also be used to display safety precautions, specific to your field. For

example, correct ways to lift heavy items, how to correctly dispose of hazardous items, how to handle

potentially dangerous situations, which types of tools to use in different circumstances, etc.! That being

said, a poster is an obvious option to organize, and simplify.

A poster isn’t just beneficial in the workplace, but could also be used for specific products, as well! A

poster would be great to use to show installation instructions, preventative maintenance, or any

relevant information about the product. The long manuals are so intimidating, and make things look so

much harder than they actually are. An organized poster is much more inviting to set up any product. A

poster could show step-by-step pictures all in one place, in the most organized manner.

Posters are often overlooked, because most people think they can only be used to display your favorite

band or pop singer on the wall, but the reality is that they are so functional! There are countless ways

you can use posters to convey important information to a large number of people, and those people are

much more likely to read from a poster, than a boring manual. Not only is it easier for people to read

from a poster, but it allows people to retain the information easier as well. And lastly, it saves time!

From any standpoint, time is money, and if you can save it, that’s a definite positive. So, now that you

know that posters can be used for more than just decorative reasons, maybe it’s time to think about

making your own poster! Reach out to your nearest print company to see how you can make it happen.

Let us know the different ways you have used posters in your home or work life. We’d love to know!